Please reach us at 602-918-7584 if you cannot find an answer to your question.
No, there is no membership fee!
Can I change the items in the packet?
Unfortunately not at this time due to logistic reasons. The packet will include between 18-20 different items where some may stay the same and others will vary based on season. If there is an item you don't consume, we highly suggest sharing it with a neighbor. We all know fruit and vegetables are part of a healthy well being, so if you'd like ideas on how to eat something or dish ideas, we can share some too!
Pick up times will be between 8am and 12p at the designated location you noted at checkout, but here are the locations in a nutshell:
DAY: Saturdays
LOCATION: United States Postal Service in Morristown parking lot
DAY: Saturdays
LOCATION: Coffinger Park parking lot
DAY: Saturdays
LOCATION: Upper Clubhouse parking lot
DAY: Saturdays
LOCATION: Family Dollar Store parking lot
DAY: Saturdays
LOCATION: Yarnell Community Center parking lot
We will send you a text message when we're on our way to each stop to give you time to head over and meet us.
Each week we will be making deliveries to our Northwest Route (Morristown to Yarnell) on Saturdays and West Route (Buckeye, Tartesso and Tonopah) on Wednesdays. So please be sure to place your orders by the previous day of designated delivery day by 12p.
How do I place my order?
If you live in or outside of Phoenix and surrounding cities then all you need to do is click here to visit our shop and select what packets you would like delivered.
Once you have added your packet(s) to the shopping cart, proceed by clicking "checkout" and entering your information for delivery. Remember to enter your DROP ZONE in the special instructions box if you live outside of the city and are signing on to our Saturday or Wednesday route. If you live in the city, enter if you'd like your packet delivered during our AM route (8a-1p) or PM route (12p -6p or until all packets delivered).
If you're in Morristown, Wickenburg, Wickenburg Ranch, or Congress, please note you can always catch up to our truck at our last stop which is Yarnell. We unfortunately will not be able to hold or keep your packet as there is not place to store it for you to pick up later. We encourage everyone to ask a neighbor for help in getting it for you too. You can always call us or text us at 602-918-7584 to check on the location of our truck at that time.
Are there any fees?
There is a small $5 delivery fee added at checkout.
Besides deliveries to Morristown, Wickenburg, Wickenburg Ranch, Congress and Yarnell, we also service Phoenix and surrounding cities. Visit our "How it Works" page to learn more: www.bar-mdistributor.com/howitworks
There are currently 8 drop zones on the two routes we have:
1. Morristown (Saturdays)
2. Wickenburg (Saturdays)
3. Wickenburg Ranch (available for community members only, Saturdays)
4. Congress (Saturdays)
5. Yarnell (Saturdays)
6. Tonopah (Wednesdays)
7. Tartesso (Wednesdays)
8. Buckeye (Wednesdays)
Which ever town is closest to you for pick up is what you'll need to select and enter in the "special instructions" box at checkout.